viernes, 22 de mayo de 2015

Graffiti´s impact on Latin America

Graffiti is considered a form of urban art available to any public with high social impact. This is a way to show publicly  political, religious or social ideology.

Latin America is experiencing a boom in contemporary graffiti. The characteristics of this urban art is admirable in Colombia, Brazil and Honduras and Argentina. However, in my opinion, the graffiti in Brazil have a greater social impact because  expressed a criticism of national economic and political system, achieving to be seen as by government as by citizens. Thus, it is a way to create social awareness and claim rights to the state.

In addition to entertain and decorate the streets, art in the city is a way of communication with political, cultural and protests content.

lunes, 20 de abril de 2015


What do you think Maria Rondon, the director of the movie Pelo Malo, would say about the information given in the videos?

Maria Rondon could say that this video shows the how native afro Colombian`s community is relegated and rejected according to the economic and cultural system of the society. Despite African communities receive support of institutions focused on their development, the conditions of these communities is not the same than whites, an ugly truth in the country. Racism in Colombia and in Venezuela, remains been a current problem. The worse is that new generations continue without being aware of it.

martes, 24 de marzo de 2015

Bangkok's Mexican Gangster

Acording to the page 52 of the text, a sulbculture is a group of people with a culture which differentiates them from the larger culture to they belong. Likewise, the video of the Bangkok's 'Mexican' Gangsters show that these subculture is represented by the style of clothes that people wear, which is so different to the original major culture of Bangkook. They use a distinctive a simbolic style, fashions and argot.
The video  identified as Mexican Gangster as a obsessed with these groups. In contrast, the Thai gangs don’t No battle each other or trafficking drugs, which are characteristics of some latin bands.

I consider that people must to have these opportunity for show their personalities and preferences with freedom in all countries around the world. the subcultures is as useful and respectful as the major culture of the society.

jueves, 26 de febrero de 2015

Welcome to my website

Good afternoon Dear classmates;

My name is Ellen Pimienta Glen, and I am currently studying Management and Economics at the Universidad del Norte in Barranquilla, Colombia.
This is time to lunch, but...